Geschnittene Szenen des Finales

Eine große Story wie jene von Folge 1.12 in nur 50 Minuten zu erzählen ist nicht einfach, und so sind einige Szenen der Schere zum Opfer gefallen. Was zwei der Dolls eigentlich erlebt hätten, das erfahrt ihr hier.
Dollverse veröffentlichte das gesamte Script hier. Hier aber die Szenen von November und Sierra, die auf FOX eigentlich nichts mit ihrem Imprint anzufangen wussten.

Sierra is in the foreground, sitting on a motorcycle. Another one is parked next to her. In the deep background November is roughing a GUY up. Sierra’s cell RINGS –


Talk to me, Sparky.
(listens, reacts)
Got it. Thanks.

She clicks off, calls out –

Hey! Fritz! I got a solid. Let’s motor!

She KICKS OVER the engine on her bike. AS November drops the guy in the b.g. and hurries over to her bike –

Die Szene geht weiter, als Boyd und Ballard Alpha auf dem Turm sehen.

Closing the distance. Almost there --VVRRRRROOOOMMM! They’re both cut off by MOTORCYCLES. It’s Sierra and November, bounty huntresses. They see Alpha up on the catwalks. Jump off their bikes -- locking and loading. Are on the move.

Paul comes out of his cover –

Wait! Caroline’s up there!

Hey, beautiful. Be back to pick you up later.

Paul looks across to Boyd. Boyd shakes his head -- do not get in their way. Paul ignores it. Here comes November, slamming a fresh clip into her weapon. Paul steps in front of her. She doesn’t even slow.Boyd starts heading over to pull him out of the way.

Ballard! Just back away!

It’s okay. I’ve seen how you do this!

And November is nearly on top of him when –

(with purpose)

You need therapy.

WHACK! She bashes him with the butt of her weapon without breaking stride. He goes down. Boyd crouches at Paul’s side.

Treatment. You need treatment.

(dazed, head ringing)

No, no. I’ll be fine.

He passes out.

Echo is crawling, with more than a little pain, down the narrow beam toward the Caroline wedge, while

NOVEMBER and SIERRA duck and cover, duck and cover, exchanging GUNFIRE with Alpha.

BOYD moves under the proceedings, maneuvering in to lend back up, while -- PAUL is just coming back into consciousness. He sees Echo up on the beam, crawling out toward the wedge. What did you think? Of course he opts to go for her instead.

CATWALKS/ROOFTOP-- Sierra and November force Alpha higher and higher. Exchanging gunfire the entire time, while

ECHO is getting closer to the wedge, but she has been shot and she’s getting woozy.Below her, Paul has started his climb toward her

CATWALKS/ROOFTOP-- Alpha has been forced to a roof. Not much place to take cover here.

November and Sierra start converging on him, guns out –

Fritz -- what’d that bounty specify? Dead or alive?
Bigger payday if he’s alive -- more fun if he’s dead.

Alpha is all the way to the edge of the roof. Hands up.

Hey, gals? You ready for your treatments?

They glance at each other, smile like “what the fuck?”

(perfect English accent)

There are three flowers in a vase...

November’s eyes go blank. We can see she’s about to change her target -- to her friend.

ALPHA (CONT'D) of the flowers is...

But just then BOYD has appeared behind the women –

November! Treatment!

She lowers her gun. Sierra is surprised by Boyd, instinctively draws on him -- seems to recognize him.

What the -- ?

She looks back to Alpha. You guessed it -- not there.

Boyd and Sierra run over to the edge of the roof. Look down. He ain’t there either.

CATWALKS -- Echo reaches shakily for the wedge. Her fingertips brush it... almost has it... it teeters... it falls. ECHO’s FACE wide-eyed with the realization that Caroline will die a second and final time today, except --

PAUL’s HAND reaches out into space, snatches the wedge. Echo looks down to Paul, who is halfway up to her.

You saved her. You saved Caroline.

verfasst am 09.05.2009, 19:15 für

Catty am 09.05.2009, 19:51 Uhr

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Enter the Dollhouse

Das Dollhouse ist eine höchst illegale Einrichtung im Untergrund und gleichzeitig das Zuhause der Actives - menschliche Hüllen, denen Persönlichkeiten einprogram- miert werden, wenn reiche Kunden es so wünschen.

Echo und Sierra wandeln zwischen ihren Aufträgen ohne Persönlichkeit, Erfah- rungen und Erinnerungen als kindliche Wesen durch die Zentrale und werden dabei von Adelle DeWitt, Boyd Langdon und Dr. Saunders betreut. Topher ist derjenige, der die zuvor implantierten Erinnerungen nach einem Auftrag ausradiert, doch Echo scheint nach und nach hinter dieses Spiel zu blicken. Auch FBI-Agent Paul Ballard kommt den dubiosen Vorgängen der versteckten Organisation allmählich mit Lubovs Hilfe auf die Schliche.



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