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Live fast. Die never.

Nach 145 Jahren Angst und Schrecken wird der blut- rünstige Vampir Angelus 1898 mit einem Fluch belegt: Einer Seele. Fortan nennt er sich Angel und tut Büße für die Sünden seiner eigenen Vergangenheit. Im Jahr 1999 geht er nach Los Angeles, um sich auf seinen Kampf gegen das Böse zu konzentrieren.

Dort unterstützen ihn Cordelia, Wesley und Gunn in seiner Detektei namens "Angel Investigations". Später stößt auch die entführte Fred zur Truppe, und sogar Spike verirrt sich in Angels Terrain.

Episode 77 «   » Episode 79

Angel 4.12 (078)

Das Geheimnis der Bestie

Drehbuch: Jeffrey Bell, Steven S. DeKnight und Mere Smith Regie: Bill L. Norton
Premiere DE:22.01.2008 
Premiere USA:


Quoten DE:unbekannt 
Quoten USA:2.7/4 

Die Gang sucht überall nach Angel's Seele, die ihnen gestohlen wurde. Gunn und Fred kommen zu einer Entscheidung in ihrer Beziehung; Lilah taucht wieder auf. Angelus macht eine Bemerkung, nach der alle das Biest in einem ganz anderen Licht sehen.

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Angelus: I've had time to think, and I've realized something important. Being evil is wrong. I want to be good. I want to be Angel again.

Lilah: The great Angelus...
Angelus: Oh, come on. You can do better than that, huh? Try playing up the awe and the reverence a bit. The Great Angelus!
Lilah: Great... being locked in a cage.
Angelus: Yet managing to display better grooming habits than you.

Angelus: Lilah, I had such high hopes for us. Your devious mind, my killer instincts... What a team we would have made.
Lilah: Could still make.
Angelus: Always were a closer. Unfortunately, with the new big scary in town, you're just not looking so tough anymore. And I'm a winning team kind of a guy. Couple that with the recent people shortage — you know, you're lucky I'm letting you yak this long.

Angelus: Look at yourself, Lilah. All these years, wanting to meet me... you couldn't run a comb through your hair, maybe slap on a little lipstick? Evil doesn't have to mean sloppy.

Fred: Did you find anything?
Lorne: Zip. Zilch. (sees Lilah) And what the hell is succu-bitch doing here?

Lilah: It's just like being at work, except suits by Liberace...
Lorne: Wesley, would you please warn this walking infection that I haven't forgotten how she poked my head open like a Capri Sun, and while my love for humanity allows me to tolerate her presence, if need be, I will smack her down! Be a doll, thanks.

Gunn: Then maybe I did the wrong thing.
Angelus: Like smacking your girl around? I bet you Wes would never hit her. He's all proper and English. And that accent... oh, chicks just love a good accent. Makes 'em all buttery in their nether regions. Isn't that right, Fred? You know, I had a bit of an Irish brogue back in the day. If you like, I can use it on you when I rape you to death.

Angelus: Morons. The big rock doesn't have minions. It is the minion.

Vladimir Kulich als The Beast
Stephanie Romanov als Lilah Morgan
Andy Hallet als Lorne
Roger Yuan als Wo-Pang

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