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Firefly 1.05 (005)

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Drehbuch: Drew Z. Greenberg Regie: Michael Grossman
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YOUNG RIVER: We're cut off... we need to resort to cannibalism.
YOUNG SIMON: That was fast.

MAL: So, she's added cussing and hurling about of things to her repertoire. She really is a prodigy.

RIVER: The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.
MAL: See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like.

JAYNE: 'Bout time you broke in them pretty shoes.

MAL: You know... they walk just as fast if you lead 'em.
JAYNE: I like smackin' 'em.

ZOE: Next time we smuggle stock, let's make it something smaller.
WASH: Yeah, we should start dealing in those black-market beagles.

RIVER: They weren't cows inside. They were waiting to be, but they forgot. Now they see the sky and they remember what they are.
MAL: Is it bad that what she said made perfect sense to me.

SIMON: I'm very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows.

BOOK: (after being shot) Afraid I might be needing a preacher.
MAL: That's good. You lie there and be ironical.

ZOE: Knew a man who had a hole clean through his whole shoulder, once. Used to keep a spare hankie in there.

JAYNE (faux-reading Simon's journal): "Dear Diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."

ZOE: You sanguine about the kind of reception we're apt to receive on an Alliance ship, Cap?
MAL: Absolutely. (pause) What's "sanguine" mean?

JAYNE: This place gives me an uncomfortableness.

RIVER: I get confused. I remember everything. I remember too much, and... some of it's made up, and... some of it can't be quantified, and... there's secrets.

RIVER: You gave up everything you had to find me. And you found me broken.

SIMON: It's been a big day, what with the abduction and all.

SIMON: She has done nothing to you! If she dies tonight, it won't be God's will that kills her. It'll be you! Your lunacy, your ignorance!

MAL: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
ZOE: Big damn heroes, sir.

MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folks is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud.

MAL: Cut her down.
VILLAGE PATRON: The girl is a witch.
MAL: Yeah, but she's our witch. (Cocks gun) So cut her the hell down.

MAL: (To Simon) Chow's at 10. No need to dress.

MAL: So then the Shepherd says to the Companion, "Well, a good goat would do that."

Andrew A. Rolfes (Marcus Grange)
Scott Terra (Young Scott Tam)
Andrew A. Rolfes (Older Grange)
Matthew C. Ferreira (Younger Grange)
Bryan Friday (Shabby Man #2)
Gary Werntz (Patron)
John Thaddeus (Stark)
Scott Terra
William Converse-Roberts (Gabriel Tam)
Isabella Hofmann (Megan Tam)
Zac Efron (Young Simon)
Skylar Roberge (Young River)
Morina Pierce (Ruby)
Ron Ostrow (Commander)
Erica Tazel (Doralee)
Joel Steingold (Head Cop)

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Alles shiny, Captain

Die Serenity ist ein Raumschiff der Klasse Firefly und ist das Zuhause der Kriegsveteranen Captain Mal Reynolds und Zoë Washburne. Zoës Ehe- mann und Pilot Wash hält die Serenity mit Mechanikerin Kaylee in der Luft. Da man nur auf illegalem Wege an genug Geld gelangt ohne der Allianz und den zentralen Planeten zu nahe zu kommen, wurde Jayne als schlag- kräftiger Verhandlungspartner angestellt. Auch Inara er- öffnet der Crew als lizensier- te Prostituierte (Companion) spezielle Möglichkeiten.

Auf dem Planeten Persephone heißt man den Arzt Simon Tam und Shepherd Book auf dem Schiff willkommen. Erst als die Serenity wieder abhebt bemerkt man, dass Simon seine Schwester River, ein verwirrtes und hochge- fährliches Mädchen, auf das Schiff geschmuggelt hat.

Das Schicksal der Serie

Mit Firefly hat Joss Whedon im Jahr 2002 seine dritte Serie der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Und wer sich trotz SciFi- oder Weltraum-Scheu zum Einschalten durchringen konnte, wurde reich belohnt. Nicht umsonst bewerten 80 % aller IMDB-User Firefly mit 10 von 10 Punkten.

Die Zuschauer wussten bei der Erstausstrahlung aber leider noch nichts von ihrem Glück und ignorierten die Serie. FOX zog die Notbremse und stellte die Serie nach 14 produzierten Episoden ein. Jahrelange Fanproteste und starke DVD-Verkäufe sorgten schließlich für den Kinofilm Serenity, in dem das gleichnamige Raumschiff noch einmal starten durfte.