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Firefly 1.04 (004)

Das Duell

Drehbuch: Jane Espenson Regie: Vern Gillum
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INARA (regarding the game of pool): As with other situations, the key seems to be giving Jayne a heavy stick and standing back.

MAL (on making planetfall on Persephone): Resupply, look for work, move along. We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.
ZOE: Wasn't planning on the dirt-kissin', sir.
WASH: I wouldn't stand for it anyway, Cap'n, jealous man like me.

ZOE: Planet's coming up a mite fast.
WASH: That's just cause I'm going down too quick. (panicky voice, trying to be jovial) Likely crash and kill us all.
MAL: Well, that happens, let me know.

ZOE: If I'm gonna wear a dress, I'd want something with some slink.
WASH: You want a slinky dress? I can buy you a slinky dress. Captain, can I have money for a slinky dress?

JAYNE: I'll chip in (for a slinky dress).
ZOE: I can hurt you.

BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than.

BADGER: 'Course you couldn't buy an invite with a diamond the size of a testicle, but I got my hands on a couple.
JAYNE AND MAL: (chuckling)
BADGER: ...Of invites!

KAYLEE: Yes, sir, Captain Tightpants.

MAL: He's supposed to be old, kinda stocky, wears a red sash crossways.
KAYLEE: Why does he do that?
MAL: Maybe he won the Miss Persephone Pageant.

KAYLEE: Is that him?
MAL: That's the buffet table.
KAYLEE: Well... how do we know unless we... question it?

WASH: Here lies my beloved Zoe, my autumn flower, somewhat less attractive now she's all corpsified and gross...

KAYLEE: Up until the punching, it was a real nice party.

MAL: I never back down from a fight.
INARA: Yes, you do! You do all the time!

RIVER: Sure, I got a secret. More than one. Don't seem likely I'd tell 'em to you now, do it? Anyone off Dyton Colony knows better than to talk to strangers. You're talking loud enough for the both of us though, ain'tcha? I've known a dozen like you. Skipped off home early, running graft jobs here and there. Spent some time in the lockdown, but less than you claim. And you're what? Petty thief with delusions of standing? Sad little king of a sad little hill.

(Inara blocks Mal's sword attack and smacks him on his... pants.)
INARA: How did I avoid that?
MAL: By being fast like a freak?

MAL: Sure, it's humiliating. Having to lie there while the better man refuses to spill your blood. Mercy is the mark of a great man. (Stabs Atherton in the side.) Guess I'm just a good man. (Stabs him again.) Well, I'm all right.

MAL: See how I'm not punching him? I think I've grown.

INARA: It wasn't entirely a disaster.
MAL: I got stabbed! Right here!

Roy Werner (Gentleman)
Hunter Cochran (Younger Farmer)
Casey Piotrowski (Older Farmer)
Janora McDuffie (Cabott)
Kim Onasch (Banning)
Joshua Grenrock (Porter)
Michael McMillian (Younger Hopeful)
Larry Pennell (Murphy)
Carl Bresk (Wright)
Larry Drake (Sir Warrick Harrow)
Edward Atterton (Atherton Wing)
Mark A. Sheppard (Badger)

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Alles shiny, Captain

Die Serenity ist ein Raumschiff der Klasse Firefly und ist das Zuhause der Kriegsveteranen Captain Mal Reynolds und Zoë Washburne. Zoës Ehe- mann und Pilot Wash hält die Serenity mit Mechanikerin Kaylee in der Luft. Da man nur auf illegalem Wege an genug Geld gelangt ohne der Allianz und den zentralen Planeten zu nahe zu kommen, wurde Jayne als schlag- kräftiger Verhandlungspartner angestellt. Auch Inara er- öffnet der Crew als lizensier- te Prostituierte (Companion) spezielle Möglichkeiten.

Auf dem Planeten Persephone heißt man den Arzt Simon Tam und Shepherd Book auf dem Schiff willkommen. Erst als die Serenity wieder abhebt bemerkt man, dass Simon seine Schwester River, ein verwirrtes und hochge- fährliches Mädchen, auf das Schiff geschmuggelt hat.

Das Schicksal der Serie

Mit Firefly hat Joss Whedon im Jahr 2002 seine dritte Serie der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Und wer sich trotz SciFi- oder Weltraum-Scheu zum Einschalten durchringen konnte, wurde reich belohnt. Nicht umsonst bewerten 80 % aller IMDB-User Firefly mit 10 von 10 Punkten.

Die Zuschauer wussten bei der Erstausstrahlung aber leider noch nichts von ihrem Glück und ignorierten die Serie. FOX zog die Notbremse und stellte die Serie nach 14 produzierten Episoden ein. Jahrelange Fanproteste und starke DVD-Verkäufe sorgten schließlich für den Kinofilm Serenity, in dem das gleichnamige Raumschiff noch einmal starten durfte.