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Live fast. Die never.

Nach 145 Jahren Angst und Schrecken wird der blut- rünstige Vampir Angelus 1898 mit einem Fluch belegt: Einer Seele. Fortan nennt er sich Angel und tut Büße für die Sünden seiner eigenen Vergangenheit. Im Jahr 1999 geht er nach Los Angeles, um sich auf seinen Kampf gegen das Böse zu konzentrieren.

Dort unterstützen ihn Cordelia, Wesley und Gunn in seiner Detektei namens "Angel Investigations". Später stößt auch die entführte Fred zur Truppe, und sogar Spike verirrt sich in Angels Terrain.

Episode 89 «   » Episode 91

Angel 5.02 (090)

Der tiefe Abgrund
Just Rewards

Drehbuch: James A. Contner Regie: David Fury, Ben Edlund
Premiere DE:07.04.2008 
Premiere USA:


Quoten DE:unbekannt 
Quoten USA:unbekannt 

Nach der überraschenden Rückkehr von Spike stehen viele Fragen offen. Welche Form hat er angenommen? Wieso ist er überhaupt zurück? Und wer hat das Amulett, aus dem Spike kam, Angel zukommen lassen? Doch es bleibt keine Zeit, diese Fragen richtig zu klären: Angel möchte einen wichtigen Klienten, dem Wolfram & Hart immer lebendige Menschen geliefert hat, das Handwerk legen. Doch der Klient ist mächtiger als alle dachten, und er macht Spike ein verlockendes Angebot. Für welche Seite wird sich Spike entscheiden?

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Spike: Bugger (Spike's first word after being resurrected)

Spike: I must be in hell.
Lorne: Er... no, L.A., but a lot of people make that mistake.

Fred: Spike's radiating heat.
Spike: Think I'm hot, do you?
Fred: Hmm. Lukewarm. Just above room temperature.

Fred: I'm also detecting brainwave activity.
Angel: On Spike? Hmm. That is weird.

[Angel and Spike are in Magnus Hainley's house. Angel just killed the servant with a spoon.]
Angel: I know you can't help, but could you not root for the other team?
Spike: Hey, I'll root for anyone with half a chance to take you down a notch.
Angel: What is your problem?
Spike: You are, you ponce. You're my problem. You've got it too good. You're king of a 30-foot castle... with all the cars, comfort, power and glory you could ever want. And here I save the world, throw myself on the proverbial hand grenade...for love, honor. and all the right reasons, and what do I get? Bloody well toasted and ghosted is what I get, innit? It's just not fair.
[Angel turns to face Spike]
Angel: Fair? You asked for a soul. I didn't. It almost killed me. I spend a hundred years...trying to come to terms with infinite remorse. [getting angry] You spend three weeks moaning in a basement, and then you were fine. What's fair about that?!
Spike: Are you getting blurry or is it...[Spike disappears]
Angel: Arrgh! [Angel walks away]

[Incorporeal Spike walks through a gray wall to follow Angel.]
Spike: Running away again.
Angel turns around and keeps walking, Spike not too far behind.
Spike: Nice new M.O. I can see why heros like you get rewarded with the shiny new glass and chrome. Why didn't I think of that?
Angel: (Still walking) I'm not responsible for what happened to you.
Harmony: Angel it's almost 3:00 you have a meeting...
Angel: [interrupting with a hand out and still walking] Not now, Harmony.
Spike: And here you've even managed to get my ex-tumble, the littlest vampire, fetching coffee for you. Nice perks for the sell-out.
Angel: [Stops walking but still not facing Spike] A little tip, Spike. Try not to talk about things you don't understand.
Spike: [walks in front of Angel] I'm not the prat here. I know you Angel. What do you think you're doing? Made some devil's bargain to take over this company. Thought you'd use it to fight the evil of the world from inside the belly of the beast. Trouble is you're too busy fighting to see you and yours are getting digested.
Angel: Not gonna happen. [Moves to walk away again]
Spike: What? You think you're in control here? Guess again, mate. You're no more in control than I am. Except I'm not going to bloody stand for it while you're just a blind...Groxlar Beast.
Angel: What?
[Spikes stares behind Angel. Angel sees the Groxlar walking out of the elevator. He fights it. During the fight Spike punches the Groxlar's head but his arm goes through it.]
Spike: Oh, brilliant.
[The fight continues and the beast is beaten unconscious.]
Angel: [sighs] Okay. Somebody want to tell me how a Groxlar Beast got past security? I don't have time for this.
Spike: 'Course not. Man's gotta stay focused on profit margins and power lunches.
Harmony: Angel...
Angel: Yeah, Spike. I got a business to run. That means responsibilities, appointments to keep.
Harmony: [Pointing at the fallen Groxlar] That was your 3:00
Angel: That...
[Spike laughs.]
Angel: I'm meeting with Groxlars? They eat babies!
Harmony: Just their heads. You were supposed to open negotations with this clan.
Angel: Negotations for what?
Gunn: (Walking in wearing a suit and briefcase in hand) Get them to stop eating baby heads.
Angel: Oh, so that's good. [looking down at the Groxlar.] So this...this is bad.
Gunn: No, actually the Groxlar Clan respects someone who takes a strong opening position. Wolfram and Hart didn't just jack me up with the human laws, also demons laws from every demension. Probably should have briefed you about the Groxlar, but [looks at Spike] we got a little... sidetracked.

Angel: I'm in a meeting, Spike.
Spike: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't care.

[after Angel kills Hainsley by throwing a silver dish plate at him, Spike's ghostly head sticks out]
Spike: Oh, bollocks.
[Hainsley's body falls to the floor]
Spike: I was just getting warmed up.
Angel: That was you hitting me?
Spike: The last bit, yeah. Hainsley's been dead since he hit the table. Oh, come on. Had to get a few licks in, didn't I?

Mercedes McNab als Harmony
Victor Raider-Wexler als Magnus Hainsley
William Utay als Butler
Joshua Hutchinson als Rechtsanwalt Novac

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