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Live fast. Die never.

Nach 145 Jahren Angst und Schrecken wird der blut- rünstige Vampir Angelus 1898 mit einem Fluch belegt: Einer Seele. Fortan nennt er sich Angel und tut Büße für die Sünden seiner eigenen Vergangenheit. Im Jahr 1999 geht er nach Los Angeles, um sich auf seinen Kampf gegen das Böse zu konzentrieren.

Dort unterstützen ihn Cordelia, Wesley und Gunn in seiner Detektei namens "Angel Investigations". Später stößt auch die entführte Fred zur Truppe, und sogar Spike verirrt sich in Angels Terrain.

Episode 88 «   » Episode 90

Angel 5.01 (089)

Adieu, Kalifornien

Drehbuch: Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt Regie: Joss Whedon
Premiere DE:31.03.2008 
Premiere USA:


Quoten DE:unbekannt 
Quoten USA:unbekannt 

Nachdem Angel Investigations Wolfram und Hart übernommen haben, müssen sie noch mit Problemen kämpfen. Sie misstrauen den Mitarbeitern und sind sich immer noch nicht sicher, ob sie das Richtige getan haben. Sie treffen auf Harmony, Angel's neue Assistentin, und Eve, die geheimnisvolle Wolfram & Hart Angestellte. Besonders hart wird auch ihr erster Fall: Sie müssen einen Klienten vor dem Gefängnis bewahren, der droht die ganze Stadt auszulöschen wenn sie es nicht schaffen.

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Wesley: I'm still stuck back at, "Why on earth are we here?"
Fred: What, because we're crusaders against evil and now the law firm that represents most of the evil in the world has given us its LA branch to run however we want, probably in an attempt to corrupt, divide, or destroy us, and we all said yes in, like, 3 minutes?
Wesley: Your run-on sentences have gotten a lot less pointless
Fred: Oh, that's so sweet. And a tad condescending.

Angel: (into speaker phone) Uh... can I get a cup of coffee or something?
Phone menu voice: You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say "goats."
(moments later, Angel presses another button)
Phone menu voice: To sacrifice a loved one or pet, press the pound key.

Angel: Guess what I'm doing now? Not using my windpipe.
Spanky: Vampire.
Angel: Capital "V." And there's something else you should know about me. I have no problem spanking men.

Knox: He was fired... Oh, I'm sorry, he was set on fire.

Wesley: Don't you think it's a bit unseemly, adding "Y"s to the end of people's names?
Gunn: Does that mean I have to call you "Wesle"?

Wesley: Feng Shui.
Gunn: What's that mean again?
Wesley: That people will believe anything. Actually, in this place, Feng Shui will probably have enormous significance. I'll align my furniture the wrong way and suddenly catch fire or turn into a pudding.

Wesley: Pretty powerful position for a young woman.
Eve: How exactly can you be sure I'm either of those things?

Angel: Harmony.
Harmony: Hey. Boss.
Angel: You're my secretary?
Harmony: [scoffs] Hello. Assistant.
Angel: Explain why I shouldn't kill you?
Harmony: Secretary's fine.
Angel: No, it's not fine. Where is it fine? You've been working here?
Harmony: Yeah-huh.
Angel: Why?
Harmony: Well, duh, I'm a single undead gal trying to make it in the big city. I have to start somewhere. And they're evil here. They don't judge. They've got the necro-tempered glass. No burning up. A great medical plan. And who needs dental more than us?

Harmony: Don't let's quibble. Before anything, just think: I'm strong, I'm quick, I'm incredibly sycophantic - if that means what that guy said - and I type like a superhero... if there was a superhero whose power was typing. And hey, we keep the same hours! "Creatures of the night, unite"?

Eve: He's happy and well-adjusted now that he has no memory of you, and the rest of the world, including your best friends, never even heard of Connor.
Angel: That's not a name I want passing through your lips.
Eve: And what would you like passing through my lips?
Angel: News flash: You're not cute when I'm angry!

Gunn: I'm asking that you excuse yourself from this trial.
Judge: The thin ice you are on is over very deep water.
(Gunn presents the Judges' stock connections to Fries)
Judge: You submit that I could have possibly known about this connection?
Gunn: I found out, and I've been on the case 6 hours.
Judge: The ice is melting Counselor.
Gunn: The Defense submits it has learned how to swim.

Agent Hauser aims his shotgun at Angel
Angel: You know that won't kill me.
Hauser: It'll hurt. That part's fun.
Angel: Agent Hauser, I'm honestly beginning to suspect that you're not part of the solution.
Hauser: You really think you can solve the problem? Come into Wolfram and Hart and make everything right? Turn night into glorious day? You pathetic little fairy.
Angel: I'm not little.
Hauser: That's exactly what you are. You're minuscule. A dust mote on the shelf of that great institution. Now, you think I'm just a trigger-happy jerk who follows orders, but I am something you will never be. I'm pure. I believe in evil. You and your friends, you're conflicted. You're confused. We're not. That is why you are gonna lose, because we possess the most powerful thing in the world... conviction.
Angel: There is one thing more powerful than conviction. Just one. Mercy.
[Angel kicks Hauser's gun up, causing him to pull the trigger and blow his own head off]
Wolfram and Hart agent: (Shocked) What happened to mercy?
Angel: You just saw the last of it.

Wesley: (Shocked) Spike?
Angel: (Angrily) Spike.
Harmony: (Gleefully) Blondie Bear?

Jonathan Woodward als Knox
Mercedes McNab als Harmony
Sarah Thompson als Eve
Dane Northcutt als Hauser
Rod Rowland als Corbin Fries

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