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Live fast. Die never.

Nach 145 Jahren Angst und Schrecken wird der blut- rünstige Vampir Angelus 1898 mit einem Fluch belegt: Einer Seele. Fortan nennt er sich Angel und tut Büße für die Sünden seiner eigenen Vergangenheit. Im Jahr 1999 geht er nach Los Angeles, um sich auf seinen Kampf gegen das Böse zu konzentrieren.

Dort unterstützen ihn Cordelia, Wesley und Gunn in seiner Detektei namens "Angel Investigations". Später stößt auch die entführte Fred zur Truppe, und sogar Spike verirrt sich in Angels Terrain.

Episode 21 «   » Episode 23

Angel 1.22 (022)

Duell mit dem Bösen
To Shanshu in L.A.

Drehbuch: David Greenwalt Regie: David Greenwalt
Premiere DE:30.05.2001 
Premiere USA:


Quoten DE:unbekannt 
Quoten USA:unbekannt 

In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um Schriftrollen: Schon in "Blind Date" konnte Angel Investigations sie entwenden und Wesley hat sich eifrig daran gemacht sie zu übersetzen. Wolfram und Hart haben unterdessen den Dämon Vocah heraufbeschworen, der allerlei Unrecht anrichtet: Zuerst tötet er die Orakel, dann bringt er Cordelia dazu eine Vision nach der Anderen zu haben bis sie fast verrückt wird und zuletzt sprengt er sogar das Investigations Büro mitsammt Wesley in die Luft. Daraufhin wird Angel richtig wütend gegenüner Wolfram und Hart. Es kommt zu einem aufregenden Finale mit einigen Überraschungen.

Keine Screenshots vorhanden.

Cordelia: I want to know what it says about me, if there's torrid romance in my future, massive wealth, if I have to I'll settle for enviable fame.
Wesley: It's an ancient sacred text, not a Magic Eight Ball.
Cordelia: Nobody gets my humor.
Angel: I thought it was funny.
Cordelia: Oh.

David: What did I do today...? Spun off my digital pager network, made a few more million.. okay several. Big whoop. What does that mean?
Cordelia: No more shopping in the pennysaver.

Doctor: [after Angel storms into a vision-delirious Cordelia's hospital room] You can't be in here! ...Are you family?
Angel: [pushes her aside] Yes!

Kate: Never a dull moment when you're around is there?
Angel: I have to go.
Kate: Who the hell do you think you are?! You are a major witness in a major crime scene. You're not going anywhere!
Angel: You wanna try and stop me, Kate?
Kate: I'm glad were not playing friends anymore, and I'm real sick and tired of your attitude. There is a thing called the law.
Angel: This isn't about the law. It's about a little thing called life. Now, I'm sorry about your father, but I didn't kill your father and I'm sick and tired of you blaming me for everything you can't handle. You wanna be enemies? Try me!

Lindsey: [holding the prophecy over a fire] You need the words of Anatole to save your friend. She's your only connection to the Powers-That-Be. And since it's said that we sever the connections, well... [moves to burn the Prophecy]
Angel: [before Lindsey can burn the prophecy, Angel throws a scythe at Lindsey's hand, cutting it off and knocking him backwards] Don't believe everything you're foretold.

Cordelia: I saw them all... and they're in so much pain. We have to help them.

[Wesley is looking closely at the Shanshu Prophesy.]
Wesley: Uh, oops.
Cordelia: What?
Wesley: I may have made a tiny mistake.
Cordelia: What kind of a mistake?
Wesley: Remember how I said, about the prophesy, that Angel might die? I think it meant that he might live.
Cordelia: As far as tiny mistakes go? [yells] That isn't one!!

Wesley: The vampire with the soul, once he fulfills his destiny will 'shanshu.' Become human. It's his reward.
Cordelia: Wow! Angel human!
Angel: That'll be nice.
Angel: Don't break out the champagne just yet.
Cordelia: Yeah, break out the champagne pinocchio! This is a big deal!
Angel: I guess it is.

Lilah: We're all very pleased you're here. I know it's a bit confusing, but it's gonna be better soon. A lot better... Darla.

Todd Stashwick
Christian Kane (Lindsey)
Sam Anderson (Holland)
Stephanie Romanov (Lilah)
Elisabeth Röhm (Kate)
J. August Richards (Gunn)
Julie Benz (Darla)

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