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Foren-Spiele > Find the missing Forum - Find the missing pieces

In diesem Thread befinden sich 139 Posts. Er wurde 23563 mal gelesen.
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Profil von Boxman Boxman
Find the missing pieces - 16.12.2009, 18:31:09nach oben
7635 Posts: On Jacob's List

Original von Jack23
Hehe, danke fürs rauskramen mike Mal sehen wann Boxi sich nach so langer Abstinenz wieder hierein traut

Oh, oh.... Bin doch da.

ROSE: If I told you that I'd help you with your SOS sign, would you change your mind?

BERNARD: No ma'am.

ROSE: Then I want you to say it again.

BERNARD: Rose...

ROSE: Say it, Bernard.

BERNARD: [...]

ROSE: [...]

The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.

Profil von Jack23 Jack23
Find the missing pieces - 16.12.2009, 19:19:15nach oben
9396 Posts: On Jacob's List

Bernard: "I'm a dentist, I'm not Rambo"
Rose: "And don't you forget it"

Profil von Boxman Boxman
Find the missing pieces - 16.12.2009, 19:21:09nach oben
7635 Posts: On Jacob's List

Original von Jack23
Bernard: "I'm a dentist, I'm not Rambo"
Rose: "And don't you forget it"

Kann man so gelten lassen. Ist natürlich komplett richtig. Du bist dran, Jack, hoffentlich lässt du uns nicht so lange warten wie ich.

The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.

Profil von Jack23 Jack23
Find the missing pieces - 16.12.2009, 19:54:54nach oben
9396 Posts: On Jacob's List

Ne, ich mach lieber gleich mal weiter bevor es mir auch passiert

Miles: I said let's go.
Jack: You need to put the guns down.
Miles: What?
Jack: Put the guns down.
Miles: Now why would I do that?
Jack: Because our friends are out in the jungle right now holding a gun at your head, and his head. So I'm gonna forget about the misunderstanding, just put the guns down.
Miles: '...'
Jack: '...'

Profil von Killua Killua
Find the missing pieces - 16.12.2009, 19:56:51nach oben

8856 Posts: On Jacob's List

Miles: How stupid do you think I am?
Jack: I dunno Miles. How stupid are you?


Profil von Jack23 Jack23
Find the missing pieces - 16.12.2009, 20:00:54nach oben
9396 Posts: On Jacob's List

Ein 'come on' käme noch am Anfang bei Miles, aber das passt so

It's your turn

Profil von mike15 mike15
Find the missing pieces - 26.12.2009, 13:11:23nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

Original von Jack23
It's your turn


Profil von mike15 mike15
Find the missing pieces - 02.01.2010, 21:36:32nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

Original von mike15
Original von Jack23
It's your turn


Profil von mercy mercy
Find the missing pieces - 10.01.2010, 00:21:51nach oben
Homepage von mercyLiveJournalSkypeICQ
19339 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!

Mach einfach weiter.

Profil von mike15 mike15
Find the missing pieces - 10.01.2010, 00:26:06nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

Gut, dann mach ich halt weiter...

LOCKE: What do you want from me?

BEN: I don't know how it happened, but you seem to have some communion with this island, John, and that makes you very, very important. You have no idea what you're talking about, of course, but in time you'll have a better understanding of things. So what do I want? I want to help you, John.


BEN: ...


Profil von House House
Find the missing pieces - 10.01.2010, 22:49:42nach oben

10158 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!

"Because I'm in a wheelchair, and you're not."

Einer der geilsten Sätze der dritten Staffel.

Profil von mike15 mike15
Find the missing pieces - 10.01.2010, 23:33:22nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

Original von House
"Because I'm in a wheelchair, and you're not."

Einer der geilsten Sätze der dritten Staffel.

Schon mal sehr gut, aber danach fehlt noch etwas...

Profil von House House
Find the missing pieces - 11.01.2010, 14:05:43nach oben

10158 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!

Sagt das nur Ben noch was? Ich würde mal behaupten: "Are you ready to see?" oder so.

Profil von mike15 mike15
Find the missing pieces - 11.01.2010, 23:37:34nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

Original von House
Sagt das nur Ben noch was? Ich würde mal behaupten: "Are you ready to see?" oder so.

Ganz genau das hat noch gefehlt!

Du bist, House!

Profil von House House
Find the missing pieces - 17.01.2010, 16:16:30nach oben

10158 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!

HURLEY: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. 4, 8, we're dead, 15, doomed and dead, 16, 23, 42...

KATE: (...)

HURLEY: (...)

[Kate, Jack, and Locke peering into the hatch.]

KATE: What is it?

JACK: (...)

Profil von Jack23 Jack23
Find the missing pieces - 17.01.2010, 16:33:54nach oben
9396 Posts: On Jacob's List

Gute Stelle

Kate: Hurley, are you okay?
Hurley: Yeah, awesome. I just have to pee.
Jack: It doesn' t matter what it is. We blew the door open to get everyone down in this thing so we could save everyone. This plan is not gonna work. We'll never get everyone down in time.

Profil von House House
Find the missing pieces - 17.01.2010, 21:56:30nach oben

10158 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!

Fast wortgetreu.

(Als ich die Stelle wählte, wollte ich schon mit mir selbst wetten, dass du sie zuerst weißt, Jack).

Profil von Jack23 Jack23
Find the missing pieces - 17.01.2010, 22:30:36nach oben
9396 Posts: On Jacob's List

Hehe, bei der Folge lässt sich das nicht vermeiden

Profil von Jack23 Jack23
Find the missing pieces - 19.01.2010, 20:13:48nach oben
9396 Posts: On Jacob's List

JACK: ' ... '

BEN: Alright, then. Whatever you need, it's yours. I'm ready.

JACK: [Laughing] No, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't say I was gonna do it. I just wanted you to understand how you're gonna die. [Sardonic laugh] You think I believe you people? You think I trust you? That I'm just going to do the surgery, and then I'm just going to HOPE that you let me go?!

JULIET: ' ... '

JACK: [Throws notebook at her face, behind partition] No, don't!

[The three exchange tense looks.]

BEN: ' ... '

JACK: ' ... '

Profil von House House
Find the missing pieces - 19.01.2010, 20:35:33nach oben

10158 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!

Haaaaaaaaaaach, ich liebe die Szene.

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